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Heard: An Omegaverse Story (Breaking Free Book 3) Author: A. M. Arthur Genre: MM Alternate Universe Romance (Omegaverse) Print Length: 301 pages Publisher: Briggs-King Books;

Miss Primm gets it. You publish for niches. Sales for niche books are iffy and depends on how well the launch goes as to how

File Size: 4196 KB Print Length: 278 pages Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited Publication Date: July 25, 2017 Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC Language: English
I never do this, but Miss Primm also hates keeping her own rules so: Go check out this story on Literotica: Ganymede Station, Part One
[Lone figure walks toward slatted wood box in center of large room and stands on it. Taps the end of a hand held microphone. We
Dead Handsome: a Buffalo Steampunk Adventure by Laura Strickland My rating: 5 of 5 stars This story hits all my happiness buttons. A handsome roguish
Available on Amazon Now. Introductory Price $0.99. Free on Kindle Unlimited. Check out other paranormal romances at the Paranormal Blog Hop Jake walked into the
Miss Primm is an unabashed reader of science fiction romance. SF was my genre of choice when I tore up the libraries from age six
Warning: the following article may present some objectionable views. If you happen to believe that woman are/should be subordinate to men,and deserve to be treated